Services for Young People

woman wears black tank top

We offer a confidential service to all of our patients including those under 16. Appointments can be made with any doctor in our usual appointment system. As we are a training practice we have younger doctors available if you prefer.

The only reason we may have to consider passing on confidential information would be to protect you or someone else from serious harm. We would always try to discuss this with you first.

We are open from 8am – 6:30pm Monday to Friday and some Saturday mornings. To make an appointment it is best to phone us but there are on the day appointments available everyday if the matter cannot wait or you are very anxious. If a doctor is not available we will try to fit you in with a nurse.

You can discuss any health problem with any doctor.

Help With Health 

You can chat to us about spots, weight, sex, bullying, alcohol, relationships, smoking, drugs, periods, contraception, family, exercise, condoms and anything else!


Our Doctors and Nurses are trained to help you with different types of contraception. 

All contraceptives are free. 

You do not have to be over 16 to discuss contraception or emergency contraception with a Doctor or Practice Nurse. 

Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception is sometimes wrongly called the morning-after-pill. This is misleading as it can actually be taken up to 72 hours (3 days) after having unprotected sex. However the sooner it is taken the better! 

A coil can be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sex. So, if you didn’t use any contraception, or the condom burst, arrange to see a doctor as soon as possible. 

Ask the receptionist for an urgent appointment – you do not need to say why!

Think you might be Pregnant?

See a Doctor or Practice Nurse as soon as possible. They will help you to consider your options and offer help and advice whatever you decide to do.

Free emergency contraception is available from this practice. You can also get free emergency contraception from Family Planning Clinics, Sexual health Clinics (GUM) and some Chemists. 

Someone To Talk To

Suffering from stress, exam problems, worried about your weight, relationships or feeling depressed? The surgery may be a good place for you to get some help and all the Doctors and Practice Nurses are happy to see you with these sorts of problems.