Global IT issue affecting GP practices and pharmacies nationally

We are aware of a global IT issue which is affecting some primary care services in our region. It may […]

Carers Rights Day – Your Rights: Today, Tomorrow and in the Future

Carers Rights Day 2023 will be on 23 November 2023. The theme this year is ‘Your Rights: Today, Tomorrow and […]

Strep A

Strep A is a common type of bacteria. Most strep A infections are mild and easily treated, but some are […]

Enhanced Access Opening Hours

In addition to appointments during the practice’s normal opening hours of Monday to Friday 8am – 6:30pm, the Pershore and […]

3 Reasons not to miss your appointment

Help other patients. – If you book an appointment but don’t attend, another patient will miss out!

Cervical Screening

Our practice is proud to support the NHS Cervical Screening (smear test) Programme. If you’ve been invited for cervical screening, we […]

Prostate Cancer UK – Check Your Risk

It’s the most common cancer in men, but most men with early prostate cancer don’t have symptoms. 1 in 8 […]