Online New Patient Registration (Under 16)
Online New Patient Registration (Over 16)
New Patient Registration
We are open for new patient registrations. You can now register yourself or someone you care for with Upton Surgery online, via the NHS Website or the NHS App. This new online service makes it possible to register in a simplified and standardised way. Please register here.
Alternatively, you can download and complete new patient registration paper forms and come to the surgery in person. Please bring your medical card where possible and proof of identity with you to register. These can be collected from reception or if you wish you can download the registration pack here.
For all other additional registration information please click here. Please note, this pack does not need to be handed back into Reception
If you are not on regular medication you will be asked to make an appointment for a new patient check with the Practice Nurse. If you are on regular medication you will be asked to make an appointment with a doctor prior to issuing your next repeat prescription.
Practice Catchment Area
Before registering with out practice, please check that you live within our catchment area.
Catchment Area
Please note the surgery is not at the top of Tunnel Hill but half way down as you go towards the town.
Read about Out of Area Registration here.
Temporary Registration
If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.
You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.
To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.
Changes to Personal Details
If you change your address please inform the practice as soon as possible, so that our records can be updated. This may be of particular importance if you require a home visit in the case of an emergency.
Please bring proof of any name change or a document with a new address for verification purposes.
It is also important that you inform local hospitals where you are undergoing medical treatment, as they will also need to update their medical records in order to keep in contact with you.
Guide to GP Services
The Royal College of General Practitioners has produced a useful guide for patients about the services on offer at GP Surgeries and how to access them. You can download the guide here.